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MSA Awards

Recognising contributions to Membrane Science and Technology

The Membrane Society of Australasia would like to acknowledge the achievements and contributions of our members across both industry and research, with a range of awards across multiple categories.

The majority of awards are presented on an annual basis with the MSA Tony Fane Award and MSA Industry Award being awarded as part of the International Membrane Science and Technology Conference once every three years.

Image by Ariel

General Awards

MSA Annual Awards

  • MSA Student Award, for the top student (Master or PhD) with strong track record and demonstrated research outcomes.‍

  • MSA ECR Award, for the outstanding ECR (within five years post PhD completion) with strong track record and outstanding research outcomes.

  • ‍MSA Mentor Award, for the senior membrane experts who did great job in mentoring junior researchers.

  • MSA Service Award, for the individual who is dedicated to MSA's operation and management.

  • ‍MSA Membrane Science Award, for the individual or team who made significant breakthroughs in membrane science with demonstrated high impact journal papers.

  • ‍MSA Collaboration Award, for the individual or team who did great collaborative works between two or more organisations.

  • ‍MSA Applied Research Award, for the individual or team who made significant contribution on technology translation from lab to industry.‍

  • MSA Industry Collaboration Award, for the individual who did great job in building strong linking between academic institution and industry.



Annually (award ceremony in the MSA AGM), there will be a call for nomination process from the MSA.

Nomination for the MSA Awards 2024 is now open! Click here to download the nomination form.

Nomination closing date: 11 November 2024.

MSA Conference Award

To provide funding support for the Best Oral/Poster awards for PhD students/ECRs in MSA sponsored conference (e.g.IMSTEC, MSA AGM and MSA ECR symposium).


Annually, no application required, and the award will be subjected to the selection of the conference award committee.

MSA Industry Travel Award

To assist MSA members from industry(junior/mid-career researchers) to attend international conferences, the MSA will sponsor two travel awards per calendar year to support their travel and attendance costs to a maximum of $500 AUD.


Annually, applies to any MSA nominated conferences.

MSA Travel Award for Student/ECR

To assist and encourage the PhD students and ECRs to attend the membrane conferences (e.g. AMS, IMSTEC, ICOM, MEMDES,MSA ECR symposium etc.) nominated by MSA.


Annually, application dates depending on the individual conference.



Prestigious Awards


One award each category to be awarded once every three years in the IMSTEC conference.

MSA Industry Award

To recognise the contribution of industrial chemists, researchers, business leaders and companies in improving society and/or the environment through commercial innovations in filtration/separation technologies.

MSA Tony Fane Award

To recognise individuals who have made outstanding and distinguished contribution to the advancement of membrane science and technology in Australasia through the MSA Tony Fane Award for research excellence.

©2025 Membrane Society of Australasia

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